CPD and RME Accredited E-Learning Courses

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The entire VinciWorks Training Suite is accredited by the Law Society of Hong Kong.

Course NameCPDRMEOld PricePrice Buy te
 Full Suite34.521  HK$32,300
40 AML 360 for Hong Kong 0.50.5 HK$825 HK$750
65 Anti-Bribery Fundamentals (HK) 11 HK$1100 HK$1000
66 Anti-Money Laundering: Understanding Key Risks (HK) 11 HK$1100 HK$1000
67 Proliferation Financing: Managing Risk in Hong Kong 0.50.5 HK$825 HK$750
52 Anti-Bribery: Know Your Deal 0.50.5 HK$825 HK$750
41 Anti-Bribery: A Practical Overview 0.50.5 HK$825 HK$750
2 Anti-Money Laundering Global Course 11 HK$1100 HK$1000
1 Anti-Money Laundering Hong Kong Fee Earner Course 22 HK$1540 HK$1400
51 Anti-Money Laundering: Know Your Risk 0.50.5 HK$825 HK$750
63 Anti-Money Laundering in Hong Kong: Advanced 1.51.5 HK$1300 HK$1200
34 Anti-Money Laundering Hong Kong Support Staff Course 00 HK$385 HK$350
36 Anti-Money Laundering: A Practical Overview for Hong Kong 11 HK$1100 HK$1000
64 Cyber Security: Journey to Safety HK 11 HK$1100 HK$1000
42 Cyber Security: Practical Applications 0.50.5 HK$825 HK$750
61 DAC6: Advanced 0.50 HK$660 HK$600
23 Data Protection Hong Kong Course 11 HK$1100 HK$1000
50 Data Protection: Privacy at Work 11 HK$1100 HK$1000
43 Diversity: A Practical Overview (Hong Kong) 0.50.5 HK$825 HK$750
62 Diversity & Inclusion at Work: MyStory (HK) 11 HK$1100 HK$1000
8 Drafting: Clear Language for Legal Documents HK 10 HK$880 HK$800
9 Drafting: Structure of Legal Documents HK 10 HK$880 HK$800
24 Equality and Diversity Hong Kong 0.50.5 HK$825 HK$750
10 Financial Statements: Basics HK 1.50 HK$990 HK$900
11 Financial Statements: Financial Performance HK 10 HK$880 HK$800
12 Financial Statements: Liquidity and Solvency HK 1.50 HK$990 HK$900
60 Health & Safety for Office Workers 11 HK$1110 HK$1000
39 Information Security: A Practical Overview 0.50.5 HK$825 HK$750
7 Information Security: Background and Best Practice 11 HK$1100 HK$1000
13 Joint Ventures: The What Why and How of Co-operative Endeavours HK 20 HK$1100 HK$1000
53 Mental Health: Wellbeing at Work 0.50 HK$660 HK$600
49 Principles of Injunctions: The Occupy Movement 0.50 HK$660 HK$600
6 Risk Management: Email@Risk HK 11 HK$1100 HK$1000
5 Risk Management: Hong Kong 22 HK$1540 HK$1400
38 The New Companies Ordinance: Structure and Key Objectives 10 HK$880 HK$800
15 Valuation Process: Articles of Association and Agreements HK 10 HK$880 HK$800
14 Valuation Process: Introduction HK 10 HK$880 HK$800
16 Valuation Process: Special Issues HK 10 HK$880 HK$800
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Course Sample: Anti-Bribery and Corruption
Course Sample: Anti-Money Laundering